Apothecaries :: Apothecaries (pl. ) of Apothecar.
Apothecary :: Apothecary (n.) One who prepares and sells drugs or compounds for medicinal purposes.
Apothecia :: Apothecia (pl. ) of Apotheciu.
Apothecium :: Apothecium (n.) The ascigerous fructification of lichens, forming masses of various shapes..
Apothegm :: Apothegm (n.) Alt. of Apophtheg.
Apothegmatic :: Apothegmatic (a.) Alt. of Apothegmatica.
Apothegmatical :: Apothegmatical (a.) Pertaining to, or in the manner of, an apothegm; sententious; pithy..
Apothegmatist :: Apothegmatist (n.) A collector or maker of apothegms.
Apothegmatize :: Apothegmatize (v. i.) To utter apothegms, or short and sententious sayings..
Apothem :: Apothem (n.) The perpendicular from the center to one of the sides of a regular polygon.
Apothem :: Apothem (n.) A deposit formed in a liquid extract of a vegetable substance by exposure to the air.
Apotheoses :: Apotheoses (pl. ) of Apotheosi.
Apotheosis :: Apotheosis (n. pl.) The act of elevating a mortal to the rank of, and placing him among, the gods; deification..
Apotheosis :: Apotheosis (n. pl.) Glorification; exaltation.
Apotheosize :: Apotheosize (v. t.) To exalt to the dignity of a deity; to declare to be a god; to deify; to glorify.
Apothesis :: Apothesis (n.) A place on the south side of the chancel in the primitive churches, furnished with shelves, for books, vestments, etc..
Apothesis :: Apothesis (n.) A dressing room connected with a public bath.
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