Aporosa :: Aporosa (n. pl.) A group of corals in which the coral is not porous; -- opposed to Perforata.
Evaporometer :: Evaporometer (n.) An instrument for ascertaining the quantity of a fluid evaporated in a given time; an atmometer.
Saporosity :: Saporosity (n.) The quality of a body by which it excites the sensation of taste.
Saporous :: Saporous (a.) Having flavor or taste; yielding a taste.
Vaporous :: Vaporous (a.) Having the form or nature of vapor.
Vaporous :: Vaporous (a.) Full of vapors or exhalations.
Vaporous :: Vaporous (a.) Producing vapors; hence, windy; flatulent..
Vaporous :: Vaporous (a.) Unreal; unsubstantial; vain; whimsical.