Aphakia :: Aphakia (n.) An anomalous state of refraction caused by the absence of the crystalline lens, as after operations for cataract. The remedy is the use of powerful convex lenses..
Aphakial :: Aphakial (a.) Pertaining to aphakia; as, aphakial eyes..
Aphaniptera :: Aphaniptera (n. pl.) A group of wingless insects, of which the flea in the type. See Flea..
Aphanipterous :: Aphanipterous (a.) Of or pertaining to the Aphaniptera.
Aphanite :: Aphanite (n.) A very compact, dark-colored /ock, consisting of hornblende, or pyroxene, and feldspar, but neither of them in perceptible grains..
Aphanitic :: Aphanitic (a.) Resembling aphanite; having a very fine-grained structure.
Aphasic :: Aphasic (a.) Pertaining to, or affected by, aphasia; speechless..
Aphasy :: Aphasy (n.) Loss of the power of speech, or of the appropriate use of words, the vocal organs remaining intact, and the intelligence being preserved. It is dependent on injury or disease of the brain..
Gnaphalium :: Gnaphalium (n.) A genus of composite plants with white or colored dry and persistent involucres; a kind of everlasting.
Haemaphaein :: Haemaphaein (n.) A brownish substance sometimes found in the blood, in cases of jaundice..
Hagiographa :: Hagiographa (n. pl.) The last of the three Jewish divisions of the Old Testament, or that portion not contained in the Law and the Prophets. It comprises Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Canticles, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chronicles..
Hagiographa :: Hagiographa (n. pl.) The lives of the saints.
Hagiographal :: Hagiographal () Pertaining to the hagiographa, or to sacred writings..
Haphazard :: Haphazard (n.) Extra hazard; chance; accident; random.