Adamantine :: Adamantine (a.) Made of adamant, or having the qualities of adamant; incapable of being broken, dissolved, or penetrated; as, adamantine bonds or chains..
Adamantine :: Adamantine (a.) Like the diamond in hardness or luster.
Alloxantin :: Alloxantin (n.) A substance produced by acting upon uric with warm and very dilute nitric acid.
Andantino :: Andantino (a.) Rather quicker than andante; between that allegretto.
Angwantibo :: Angwantibo (n.) A small lemuroid mammal (Arctocebus Calabarensis) of Africa. It has only a rudimentary tail.
Anti :: Anti () A prefix meaning against, opposite or opposed to, contrary, or in place of; -- used in composition in many English words. It is often shortened to ant-; as, antacid, antarctic..
Anti-american :: Anti-American (a.) Opposed to the Americans, their aims, or interests, or to the genius of American institutions..
Anti-federalist :: Anti-federalist (n.) One of party opposed to a federative government; -- applied particularly to the party which opposed the adoption of the constitution of the United States.
Anti-gallican :: Anti-Gallican (a.) Opposed to what is Gallic or French.
Anti-trade :: Anti-trade (n.) A tropical wind blowing steadily in a direction opposite to the trade wind.
Antiae :: Antiae (n. pl.) The two projecting feathered angles of the forehead of some birds; the frontal points.
Antialbumid :: Antialbumid (n.) A body formed from albumin by pancreatic and gastric digestion. It is convertible into antipeptone.
Antiattrition :: Antiattrition (n.) Anything to prevent the effects of friction, esp. a compound lubricant for machinery, etc., often consisting of plumbago, with some greasy material; antifriction grease..
Antibacchius :: Antibacchius (n.) A foot of three syllables, the first two long, and the last short (#)..
Antibillous :: Antibillous (a.) Counteractive of bilious complaints; tending to relieve biliousness.
Antibrachial :: Antibrachial (a.) Of or pertaining to the antibrachium, or forearm..
Antibrachium :: Antibrachium (n.) That part of the fore limb between the brachium and the carpus; the forearm.
Antibromic :: Antibromic (n.) An agent that destroys offensive smells; a deodorizer.
Antiburgher :: Antiburgher (n.) One who seceded from the Burghers (1747), deeming it improper to take the Burgess oath..