Anglican :: Anglican (a.) English; of or pertaining to England or the English nation; especially, pertaining to, or connected with, the established church of England; as, the Anglican church, doctrine, orders, ritual, etc..
Anglican :: Anglican (a.) Pertaining to, characteristic of, or held by, the high church party of the Church of England..
Anglican :: Anglican (n.) A member of the Church of England.
Anglican :: Anglican (n.) In a restricted sense, a member of the High Church party, or of the more advanced ritualistic section, in the Church of England..
Anglicanism :: Anglicanism (n.) Strong partiality to the principles and rites of the Church of England.
Anglicanism :: Anglicanism (n.) The principles of the established church of England; also, in a restricted sense, the doctrines held by the high-church party..
Anglicanism :: Anglicanism (n.) Attachment to England or English institutions.
Anglice :: Anglice (adv.) In English; in the English manner; as, Livorno, Anglice Leghorn..
Pan-anglican :: Pan-Anglican (a.) Belonging to, or representing, the whole Church of England; used less strictly, to include the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States; as, the Pan-Anglican Conference at Lambeth, in 1888..