Alliable :: Alliable (a.) Able to enter into alliance.
Alliaceous :: Alliaceous (a.) Of or pertaining to the genus Allium, or garlic, onions, leeks, etc.; having the smell or taste of garlic or onions..
Alliance :: Alliance (n.) The state of being allied; the act of allying or uniting; a union or connection of interests between families, states, parties, etc., especially between families by marriage and states by compact, treaty, or league; as, matrimonial alliances; an alliance between church and state; an alliance between France and England..
Alliance :: Alliance (n.) Any union resembling that of families or states; union by relationship in qualities; affinity.
Alliance :: Alliance (n.) The persons or parties allied.
Alliance :: Alliance (v. t.) To connect by alliance; to ally.
Hydrocorallia :: Hydrocorallia (n. pl.) A division of Hydroidea, including those genera that secrete a stony coral, as Millepora and Stylaster. Two forms of zooids in life project from small pores in the coral and resemble those of other hydroids. See Millepora..
Integropallial :: Integropallial (a.) Having the pallial line entire, or without a sinus, as certain bivalve shells..
Mesalliance :: Mesalliance (n.) A marriage with a person of inferior social position; a misalliance.
Misalliance :: Misalliance (n.) A marriage with a person of inferior rank or social station; an improper alliance; a mesalliance.
Pallial :: Pallial (a.) Of or pretaining to a mantle, especially to the mantle of mollusks; produced by the mantle; as, the pallial line, or impression, which marks the attachment of the mantle on the inner surface of a bivalve shell. See Illust. of Bivalve..