Alcaic :: Alcaic (a.) Pertaining to Alcaeus, a lyric poet of Mitylene, about 6000 b. c..
Alcaic :: Alcaic (n.) A kind of verse, so called from Alcaeus. One variety consists of five feet, a spondee or iambic, an iambic, a long syllable, and two dactyls..
Calcareo-argillaceous :: Calcareo-argillaceous (a.) consisting of, or containing, calcareous and argillaceous earths..
Calcareo-bituminous :: Calcareo-bituminous (a.) Consisting of, or containing, lime and bitumen..
Calcareo-siliceous :: Calcareo-siliceous (a.) Consisting of, or containing calcareous and siliceous earths..
Calcareous :: Calcareous (a.) Partaking of the nature of calcite or calcium carbonate; consisting of, or containing, calcium carbonate or carbonate of lime..