Acetabulifera :: Acetabulifera (n. pl.) The division of Cephalopoda in which the arms are furnished with cup-shaped suckers, as the cuttlefishes, squids, and octopus; the Dibranchiata. See Cephalopoda..
Acetabuliferous :: Acetabuliferous (a.) Furnished with fleshy cups for adhering to bodies, as cuttlefish, etc..
Acetabuliform :: Acetabuliform (a.) Shaped like a shallow cup; saucer-shaped; as, an acetabuliform calyx..
Acetabulum :: Acetabulum (n.) A vinegar cup; socket of the hip bone; a measure of about one eighth of a pint, etc..
Acetabulum :: Acetabulum (n.) The bony cup which receives the head of the thigh bone.
Acetabulum :: Acetabulum (n.) The cavity in which the leg of an insect is inserted at its articulation with the body.
Acetabulum :: Acetabulum (n.) A sucker of the sepia or cuttlefish and related animals.
Acetabulum :: Acetabulum (n.) The large posterior sucker of the leeches.
Acetabulum :: Acetabulum (n.) One of the lobes of the placenta in ruminating animals.
Acetal :: Acetal (n.) A limpid, colorless, inflammable liquid from the slow oxidation of alcohol under the influence of platinum black..
Acetaldehyde :: Acetaldehyde (n.) Acetic aldehyde. See Aldehyde.
Acetamide :: Acetamide (n.) A white crystalline solid, from ammonia by replacement of an equivalent of hydrogen by acetyl..
Acetanilide :: Acetanilide (n.) A compound of aniline with acetyl, used to allay fever or pain; -- called also antifebrine..
Acetarious :: Acetarious (a.) Used in salads; as, acetarious plants..
Acetary :: Acetary (n.) An acid pulp in certain fruits, as the pear..
Acetate :: Acetate (n.) A salt formed by the union of acetic acid with a base or positive radical; as, acetate of lead, acetate of potash..
Acetated :: Acetated (a.) Combined with acetic acid.