Borough-english :: Borough-English (n.) A custom, as in some ancient boroughs, by which lands and tenements descend to the youngest son, instead of the eldest; or, if the owner have no issue, to the youngest brother..
By-end :: By-end (n.) Private end or interest; secret purpose; selfish advantage.
Double-ender :: Double-ender (n.) A vessel capable of moving in either direction, having bow and rudder at each end..
Double-ender :: Double-ender (n.) A locomotive with pilot at each end.
Double-entendre :: Double-entendre (n.) A word or expression admitting of a double interpretation, one of which is often obscure or indelicate..
Electro-engraving :: Electro-engraving (n.) The art or process of engraving by means of electricity.
Indo-english :: Indo-English (a.) Of or relating to the English who are born or reside in India; Anglo-Indian.
Photo-engraving :: Photo-engraving (n.) The process of obtaining an etched or engraved plate from the photographic image, to be used in printing; also, a picture produced by such a process..
Rope''s-end :: Rope's-end (v. t.) To punish with a rope's end.
Self-enjoyment :: Self-enjoyment (n.) Enjoyment of one's self; self-satisfaction.
Tout-ensemble :: Tout-ensemble (n.) All together; hence, in costume, the fine arts, etc., the general effect of a work as a whole, without regard to the execution of the separate perts..