Antipope :: Antipope (n.) One who is elected, or claims to be, pope in opposition to the pope canonically chosen; esp. applied to those popes who resided at Avignon during the Great Schism..
Apopemptic :: Apopemptic (a.) Sung or addressed to one departing; valedictory; as, apoplectic songs or hymns..
Apophasis :: Apophasis (n.) A figure by which a speaker formally declines to take notice of a favorable point, but in such a manner as to produce the effect desired. [For example, see Mark Antony's oration. Shak., Julius Caesar, iii. 2.].
Apophlegmatic :: Apophlegmatic (a.) Designed to facilitate discharges of phlegm or mucus from mouth or nostrils.
Apophyge :: Apophyge (n.) The small hollow curvature given to the top or bottom of the shaft of a column where it expands to meet the edge of the fillet; -- called also the scape.
Apophyllite :: Apophyllite (n.) A mineral relating to the zeolites, usually occurring in square prisms or octahedrons with pearly luster on the cleavage surface. It is a hydrous silicate of calcium and potassium..